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U.S.-Tanzania Celebrate Landmark 10-Year Partnership in Agriculture

Dodoma Marking a decade of successful collaboration, the United States and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania came together to commemorate the achievements of the innovative Participating Agency Service Agreement (PASA) program implemented jointly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Agency in International development (USAID) to bolster agriculture capacity. Since the inception of the program in 2013, the U.S. government has generously contributed over $38 million to empower Tanzania's agriculture sector.


This substantial investment has played a pivotal role in strengthening Tanzania’s agricultural systems and enabling them to embrace climate-smart practices, while also facilitating data collection and analysis to enhance food security. Notably, the PASA program has fostered resilient food and market systems while nurturing a conducive environment for mutual trade growth, local economic development, and overcoming food security challenges. As a result, Tanzania has laid the groundwork for sustainable, resilient, and inclusive growth, making this a momentous occasion to celebrate.


“With USAID-USDA funding, we have witnessed a substantial impact created by the PASA program in various areas of Tanzania that are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as Dodoma, Morogoro, Iringa in the southern highlands, and Lindi on the coast,” stated Minister of Agriculture Zanzibar, the Honourable Shamata Khamis. “Climate change poses a significant threat to food security and the livelihoods of our people. Tanzania is among the countries heavily affected by climate change, experiencing rainfall variabilities, high temperatures, and the spread of diseases that have disrupted our food systems and compromised food safety and security”.


“A landmark achievement of our partnership is the creation of Aflasafe TZ. This innovative product, the first of its kind in Tanzania, effectively combats the significant threat of aflatoxin contamination in key staple crops. With local production in Arusha, we are now safeguarding the country’s maize crop and enabling continued trade across East Africa,” said USAID/Tanzania Economic Growth Office Director Colin Dreizin. “Thousands of Tanzanian farmers have been trained in the use of Aflasafe, further improving Tanzania’s food security and market access by keeping crops aflatoxin free.”


USDA and USAID collaborated with Tanzania's Ministry of Agriculture on both the mainland and in Zanzibar. It engaged several implementing partners, including the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), and Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).


The event included a field visit to the Bihawana Youth Agriculture Center to observe youth engaged in various agricultural production activities, including smart-irrigation technology demonstrations and clean energy innovations.

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